
Can custom content beds be used to lseep in on sims 4
Can custom content beds be used to lseep in on sims 4

can custom content beds be used to lseep in on sims 4

In The Sims 3, Sims relaxing on a bed do not need to get out of it to go to sleep or vice versa. In The Sims 2, Sims must cancel the interaction and get out of bed before they can sleep in it, unless they had WooHoo, where they will usually go to sleep immediately afterwards. Although the interaction does not exist in the same capacity in The Sims 4, a similar equivalent allows Sims to sit on the edge of the bed. If the bed is a double bed, they will socialize with any Sim relaxing in the same or different beds, and is a prerequisite for romantic interactions like WooHoo. In The Sims 2, Sims can choose to daydream or read a book while relaxing on a bed, and can watch TV if one is in the same room. In The Sims 2 and The Sims 3, Sims can relax on beds, and will often do so autonomously to fulfill their comfort motive. In The Sims 4, however, only toddlers and scared Sims can experience them. Starting with The Sims 2, Sims of all ages can experience nightmares. The Sims 3 and The Sims 4 allow Sims to nap in beds, which is similar to napping on couches and recliners. In The Sims 2, players can choose whether Sims will sleep in their undies or in their pajamas. Sims will autonomously choose to sleep in the bed that belongs to them, or the nearest bed to them if no other options are available. Sims can be directed to sleep in a bed when their energy motive is below 50%, and will autonomously sleep in one if they are very tired. This bed is called the "Fertillinator", and will increase the chance of success when trying for a baby.

can custom content beds be used to lseep in on sims 4

In The Sims Life Stories, there is a §9,000 bed that is only unlocked in story rewards for Riley. Also in The Sims 3 and The Sims 4, sleeping in cheap beds will sometimes give Sims negative moodlets when they wake up.

can custom content beds be used to lseep in on sims 4

In general, more expensive beds do a better job of restoring energy and comfort. Beds come in a range of prices from cheap to expensive.

Can custom content beds be used to lseep in on sims 4